Novice Rising Star & Rookie of the Year8.3.2015 - (? - Australia) /
Numărul de concurenți - 396,
Numărul total de categorii - 39
Rookie Master 40+ Men’s Bodybuilding, Rookie Ms Figure Masters (40-49), Rookie Ms Figure Masters (50+), Rookie Teenage Men’s Bodybuilding, Rookie Junior Men’s Bodybuilding, Novice Rising Star Ms Figure, Novice Rising Star Men’s Bodybuilding Class I, Novice Rising Star Men’s Bodybuilding Class 2, Rookie Figure International, Rookie Under 75Kg Men’s Bodybuilding, Rookie Over 75Kg Men’s Bodybuilding, Rookie of the Year Ms Figure Open, Rookie of the Year Men’s Bodybuilding Open, Novice Rising Star Bikini Model Class 1, Novice Rising Star Bikini Model Class 2, Novice Rising Star Bikini Model Class 3, Novice Rising Star Swimsuit Model, Novice Rising Star Men’s Fitness Class 1, Novice Rising Star Men’s Fitness Class 2, Rookie Bikini Momma, Rookie Bikini 30+, Rookie of the Year Bikini Open Class 1, Rookie of the Year Bikini Open Class 2, Rookie of the Year Bikini Open Class 3, Rookie of the Year Bikini Overall, Rookie of the Year Men’s Fitness Open, Novice Rising Star Ms Fitness Model Class 1, Novice Rising Star Ms Fitness Model Class 2, Novice Rising Star Ms Fitness Model Class 3, Novice Rising Star Fitness Model Momma, Rookie Ms Fitness Model 30+, Rookie of the Year Ms Fitness Model Open Class 1, Rookie of the Year Ms Fitness Model Open Class 2, Rookie of the Year Ms Fitness Model Open Class 3, Rookie of the Year Ms Fitness Model Overall, Novice Rising Star Mr Physique Class 1, Novice Rising Star Mr Physique Class 2, Novice Rising Star Mr Physique Class 3, Rookie of the Year Mr Physique Open
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