
Privacy Policy


Cookies are small text files that improve website usage e.g. by allowing us to recognize previous visitors when logging in to a user environment, remembering a user's choice when opening a new window, measuring website traffic, or how evaluation of usage of the website for the improvement. Our website uses cookies in particular to measure its traffic. You can always stop storing these files on your device by setting up your web browser. Setting up your browser is within the meaning of Section 55 (5) of the Act on Electronic Communications considered as your consent to the use of cookies on our site.

Our website uses cookies in particular for the purposes of basic/general measurement of traffic. In addition, these technologies help us to better understand user behaviour. Although information collected by cookies and other similar technologies is typically of a non-personally nature, to the extent that Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and similar identifiers are regarded as personal data by law, we handle with these digital identifiers as with personal data.  Cookies may be temporary or permanent depending on how long they are used. Temporary cookies are deleted when you close your browser, persistent cookies remain on the user's device during a predefined period.

How do we use cookies?

Our websites directly store in the cookie information about the permanent concealment of cookie banner with notice of the use of cookies after the visitor's consent is agreed. In addition, we use "Session cookies" at www.zbodyfit.com that contain only non-personal information about the site's visitors and are automatically deleted when you close the browser. They provide us a lot of useful information, such as how many visitors have been on the page or what browsers they use, so we can optimize and improve our website. We use also "functional cookies" that allow to remember login information of website visitor and ensure security after login. In addition, cookies use third-party tools that are implemented on our site.

Specifically, we mainly use the following cookies:

Title Purpose of use
Google Analytics This is mainly the use of cookies for the purpose of compiling statistical reports on the use and traffic of websites. For more information please see: www.policies.google.com
Pay Pal (Essential) They generally serve to allow websites, services, apps, and tools to store relevant information on your browser or device later to recognize your device with servers and internal systems. These cookies can be used to prevent fraudulent conduct.
Google Analytics

This service from Google Inc. is an analytical tool that allows the storage of information into cookies to generate statistical outputs about www.zbodyfit.com web site. This functionality is not necessary for viewing the website and serves us to monitor the operation of the website and for development and improvement.

When using Google Analytics, we do not process any personal data or other identifiers that are usable for indirect identification (e.g. IP address) of the data subjects. Google Inc. as a Google Analytics service provider process personal data as a controller.

The primary cookie used by Google Analytics is the __ga file. You can learn more about the types of cookies used by Google Inc. here: https://policies.google.com/technologies/types?hl=sk.
In addition to reporting on our website usage statistics, Google Analytics can be used together with some ad cookies to display relevant ads from Google (Based on search history and activities on our site) as well as to measure interactions with display ads from Google Inc.

Google Analytics also uses cookies that are stored in the end user's device (computer, tablet, smartphone) to analyse your behaviour on our website. Google anonymise part of the IP address associated with the end user's device of the website www.zbodyfit.com immediately when it is collected, thereby strengthening the protection of your privacy.
Google Inc. uses information collected while using our website to evaluate your use of the website, to report on the activities on the website and to provide us with other services associated with the use of our website and using the Internet. This data processing by Google Analytics can be prevented by using the appropriate Internet browser settings to which you install the add on browser plugin available through the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.

For more details on the terms of processing of your personal information by Google Inc. when using Google Analytics, you can read the Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.

How do I control cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies at your own discretion – for example, the details are listed on www.aboutcookies.org. You can delete all cookies stored on your computer, and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being kept in your device. However, in this case, you may need to manually edit some settings and some services and features will not work every time you visit a website.

Changes to this privacy policy

Privacy is not a one-time issue for us. The information we give you with regard processing of personal data may change or cease to be up to date. From these reasons we may change this privacy policy from time to time by posting the most current privacy policy and its effective date on our website. In case we change this privacy policy substantially, we may bring such changes to your attention by explicit notice, on our websites or by email.