NZIFBB Pro/Am International Championships
12.3.2016 - (Auckland - Nueva Zelanda) / Differently

Número de concursantes - 143,
Número de categorías juntas - 39

Figure Novice Short (under 164cm), Figure Novice Tall (over 164cm), Figure Open Short (under 164cm), Figure Open Tall (over 164cm), Figure Masters over 35yrs, Mens Physique Novice Men up to 170cm, Mens Physique Novice Men 170-180cm, Mens Physique Novice Men over 180cm, Mens Physique Open Men Class A, Mens Physique Open Men Class B, Mens Physique Open Men Class C, Mens Physique Master Men, Bodybuilding Novice Men up to 70kg, Bodybuilding Novice Men 80-90kg, Bodybuilding Novice over 90kg, Bodybuilding Open Men up to 70kg, Bodybuilding Open Men over 100kg, Bikini Novice under 160cm, Bikini Novice 160-168cm, Bikini Novice over 168cm, Bikini Junior, Bikini Open Under 160cm, Bikini Open 160-168cm, Bikini Open over 168cm, Bikini Masters over 35yrs, Womens Physique, Teenage Men 18yrs, Junior Men - 21yrs, Masters Men 40yrs, Classic Physique Class B (170-180cm/85kg), Pro Figure, Pro Men 212, Pro Men Physique, Overall Figure, Overall Mens Physique, Overall Bodybuilding Men, Overall Bikini, Overall Womens Physique, Overall Classic Physique

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