Utah State
8.9.2018 - (Salt Lake City - USA, Utah) / INBA

Number of contestants   - 40,
Number of categories together - 23

Mini B/B (6-12), Men’s B/B Teen (13-19), Grand Masters Men’s B/B (50-59), Novice Men’s B/B, Open B/B Men, Classic Physique, Beach Body, Men’s Physique - Novice (Short), Men’s Physique - Novice (Tall), Overall Men’s Physique Novice, Men’s Physique - Open (Short), Men’s Physique - Open (Tall), Overall Men’s Physique Open, Figure - Grand Masters (50-59), Figure - Open, Bikini Mamas - 2 & Under, Bikini Divas - Jr. Masters (35-39), Bikini Divas - Masters (40-49), Bikini Divas - Novice (Short), Bikini Divas - Novice (Tall), Bikini Divas - Open (Short), Bikini Divas - Open (Tall), Overall Bikini Divas Open

Competition category
Placing / First name and surname
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