Ms. & Mr. Universe der N.A.B.B.A. Int.
26.-28.11.2004 - (Madrid - Spain) / Differently

Number of contestants   - 176,
Number of categories together - 21

Ms. Shape/Fitness, Mr Athletic Class 2 (Short), Mr. Athletic Class 1 (Tall), Junior, Ms. Figure Over 35, Ms. Figure Under 35, Master Over 50, Master Over 40, Ms. Physique, Mr. Physique 4 (Short), Mr. Physique 3 (Medium), Mr. Physique 2 (Medium/Tall), Mr. Physique 1 (Tall), Mixed Pairs, Mr. Universe Physique, Ms. Universe Figure, Ms. Universe Physique, Ms. Universe Shape, Mr. Universe Athletic, Best Male Performer, Best Female Performer

Competition category
Placing / First name and surname
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