Competition category
Placing / First name and surname
Club membership
Men’s Bodybuilding Grand Masters over 50 years
Men’s Bodybuilding Junior do 23 years
Men’s Bodybuilding Masters over 40 years
Men’s Bodybuilding - Novice
Women’s Sports Model over 35 years
Women’s Bikini Diva’s over 45 years
Women’s Bikini Diva’s over 35 years
Women’s Bikini Diva’s - Short Novice (up to 165cm)
Women’s Bikini Diva’s - Tall Novice (over 165cm)
Women’s Figure over 35 years
Men’s Classic Physique - Short (up to 178cm)
Men’s Classic Physique - Tall (over 178cm)
Women’s Sports Model - Open
Women’s Bikini Diva’s Junior do 23 years
Women’s Bikini Diva’s - Short (up to 162cm)
Women’s Bikini Diva’s - Tall (over 162cm)
Men’s Bodybuilding - Short (up to 175cm)
Men’s Bodybuilding - Tall (over 175cm)
Women’s Sports Model - Overall winner
Men’s Physique - Overall winner
Women’s Bikini Diva’s - Overall winner
Men’s Bodybuilding - Overall winner