2003 I.N.B.A. Natural Olympia
9.11.2003 - (Auckland - New Zealand) / INBA

Number of contestants - 99,
Number of categories together - 38

Fitness, Fitness Men, Physically Challenged, Wheelchair, Teenage Men, Novice Men Short, Novice Men Tall, Overall Novice Men Winner, Senior Physique 35+, Senior Figure 35+, Shape, Novice Physique, Junior Figure, Novice Figure Short, Novice Figure Tall, Overall Novice Figure, Physically Challenged, Wheelchair, Mixed Pairs, Junior Men, Fitness Model, Masters 40+, Masters 50+, Masters 60+, Senior Physique 40+, Senoir Physique 50+, Senior Figure 40+, Senior Figure 50+, Open Physique Short, Open Physique Tall, Open Figure Short, Open Figure Tall, Overall Figure, Open Men Short, Open Men Medium, Open Men Medium/Tall, Open Men Tall, Overall Open Men, Pro Womens Physique, Pro Figure

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