2. GNBF e.V. Internationale Deutsche Meisterschaft, German Championships
28.5.2016 - (Neu-Ulm/Bayern - Germany) / Differently

Number of contestants   - 159,
Number of categories together - 17

Teenage (up to 17 years of age), Juniors I (18 to 21 years of age - up to 75,0kg Bodyweight), Juniors II (18 to 21 years of age - over 75,0kg Bodyweight), Juniors Overall winner, Men’s Physique, Women Bikini, Women Masters Bikini, Women Athletic, Masters over 40, Masters over 40, Overall Masters Winner, Bantamweight (up to 70,0kg Bodyweight), Lightweight (70,1kg to 75,0kg Bodyweight), Middleweight (75,1 to 80,0kg Bodyweight), Light-Heavyweight (80,1kg to 85,0kg Bodyweight), Heavyweight (over 85,0kg Bodyweight), Overall Winner

Competition category
Placing / First name and surname
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