19th Mr.Miss Europa IBFA6.7.2015 - (Sapri - Italy) /
Number of contestants - 84,
Number of categories together - 30
Juniores - 23, Piccole Taglie, Medie Taglie, Alte Taglie, H/P -3kg, H/P -173cm 0kg, H/P +173cm 0kg, H/P -173cm +4kg, H/P +173cm +6kg, over 40 Bodybuilding, over 45 +3kg, over 45 Bodybuilding, over 50, over 55, over 60, over 65, over 70, Miss Shape, Miss over 35, Miss over 45, Miss Fitness, Ms. Bodybuilding, Miss Fashion, Mr. Fashion, Couples, Mr. EUROPA IBFA Bodybuilding, Mr. EUROPA IBFA Altezza/Peso, Mr. EUROPA IBFA Masters, Ms. EUROPA IBFA, Mr. EUROPA IBFA Junior Under 23
Competition category
Placing / First name and surname
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